Effective? The emergency-use authorized mRNA, viral vector, and protein subunit shots for Covid-19 have been promoted as being “Safe and Effective”. Recently, world leaders, movie stars, etc., who were “fully vaccinated”, have indicated they have been diagnosed with Covid-19. So, how effective are these shots? With effectiveness out the window, common sense brings us to the question of safety. Could the world have been misled on Covid-19 vaccination safety as well?
Safe? In December of 2021 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) went to court to block the release of Pfizer documents requested through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These documents pertained to the Pfizer pre-launch vaccine trial and the first 90 days of the rollout. The FDA wanted these documents sealed and kept secret from the public for the next 75 years. Thank goodness the court ruled that the FDA had to release all these papers (55,000 documents a month) over a period of 8 months. This information, and other similar documents from the drug company Moderna, have clarified that the CV-19 shots are absolutely not safe, and worse, that the government and media are trying to stop the public from learning this information.
It's finally coming out: Hundreds of independent physicians and scientists from around the world have now identified most of the ingredients in all of the Covid-19 vaccines. Many of the recognized constituents are NOT listed on the vaccine insert sheet (the paperwork that comes with the vaccine that lists the ingredients and usage information). The primary concerns in this category are: lab synthesized compounds that block various cell receptors, graphene oxide nano-particles that self-assemble into computer like nano circuits in the presence of large EMF fields, SV40 (Simian virus 40) a lab produced animal carcinogen created in rhesus monkey kidney cells, and live parasites, some of which are unknown to science.
Vaccine Shedding: All vaccines cause those who get them to shed active vaccine ingredients, usually for a short while. This has been known for decades, and is why hospitals have traditionally banned recently vaccinated people from Intensive Care Units and Operating Rooms. The US National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 acknowledged that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” (contain ingredients that prime the immune system to make antibodies). When it comes to the CV-19 shots, it is not known how long the shedding lasts. Independent research, however, has clarified that some of the concerning CV injection ingredients are now also being found in unvaccinated individuals.
Covid & Post Covid Condition: According to the CDC, post Covid condition, also called long Covid, or long haul Covid is when you have "recovered from COVID-19 and are still experiencing some symptoms". There are over 200 symptoms that have been attributed to long Covid including shortness of breath, brain fog, fatigue, chest pain, tinnitus, trouble speaking, anxiety, depression, muscle aches, fever, loss of smell, loss of taste, etc.
CV Injection Side Effects: The above listed symptoms are also attributed to the CV injection, and are listed on the US Government VAERS (vaccine adverse events registry system). Here is a link to the openvaers website that highlights these events:https://openvaers.com
The Pfizer documents released by court order in 2021 include 9 full pages of side-effects that were identified by Pfizer in their CV-19 pre-trail. These side-effects include systemic inflammation, intestinal tract inflammation, skin rashes, hormone imbalance, reduced immunity, autoimmunity, blood clots, myocarditis (heart inflammation), heart attack, stroke, and more. This paperwork also clarifies that the CV shots tend to make pre-existing health conditions worse, activating dormant states, and/or aggravating existing symptoms.
Addressing issues related to any kind of acute or chronic toxicity, infection, or poisoning requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on safety as well as efficacy. Our game plan for prevention, as well as for addressing the issues related to Covid, Long Covid, the CV-19 injection, and shedding, starts with an initial consult.
Initial Consult: During your initial online consult we learn about your health history, and your current/past symptoms. Any recent blood tests, which we interpret with functional blood chemistry analysis (FBCA), will further support our capacity to discern what exactly is at play, and the safest and most effective way to recover. We may recommend additional blood tests that can be obtained locally at a lab of your choice, or one that we can recommend. Blood tests are not required right away, and may or may not be necessary at all.
Empowerment: Our role is to let you know exactly what is happening with your health, and what you can do about it. We take the time to get to the bottom of things, and we do this at a reasonable price.
Education: Our coaching includes a thorough evaluation of your health to understand exactly what is at play. This allows us to create a customized recovery program, which takes into consideration your current health, and as a result, maximizes safety and efficacy. Our recommendations are always based on the latest independent research about what is working, as well as the results that we, and those we collaborate with, are now experiencing.
Results: For the past 4-years we have been helping clients diagnosed with ‘Covid’, ‘long Covid’ and those who thought they were experiencing ‘vaccine shedding’ related issues. Likewise, we have worked with CV vaccinated clients who have had significant health issues after getting the shot, and wondered if there was a vaccine connection.
During the years since Covid-19 was proclaimed, we have cooperated and trained with some of the world’s leading independent researchers, healthcare providers, and innovators. Recently, a group of us who have been collaborating have had clients experience extraordinary results, including the elimination of systemic pain, tremors, tinnitus, Bell’s palsy, infections, cognitive issues, autoimmunity, and much more. The key is to understand exactly what is out of balance, and then customize supports that fit your current needs. In this way the recovery process is not only effective but also as safe as possible.
Contact us: Let us know if we can be of assistance.